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Episode #06 – Consistency Over Perfection : Start Now

Today’s episode is about consistency over perfection. The world is going through a lot now and most of us are in a boat of uncertainty waiting for the the perfect time to start something. We can’t wait forever because if we’re waiting for all the answers to start, We...

The Brand & Business Lens Podcast

With Kwame The Strategist

Building a successful brand or business is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be difficult work. Join Kwame, brand strategist and business consultant for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, in exploring what it takes to build a brand & business you love and deserve.

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Goal focused


Struggling with your brand?

In today’s competitive marketplace, it’s important for your business to stand out from the crowd. A strong brand will help you do just that by making your business more recognizable. 

Overwhelmed by all the tech?

Tech is a necessary evil in today's business world. It can be overwhelming and confusing, but if you're running a business - technology will become your VITAL component!

Not sure how or where to start?

Take our quiz to identify what stage of the entrepreneurial journey you're  to determine what you should be working on right now to experience exponential business growth.